
Showing posts from April, 2019

Carotid Artery Surgery in India | Surgery Tours India

Carotid Artery Disease Surgery in India What Is Carotid Artery Disease? Carotid arteries are responsible for carrying oxygen rich blood from the heart to the brain and heart. These arteries are located on each side of the neck and are very crucial as they are responsible for supplying blood to the big front portion of the brain. This is considered as a very crucial part as personality, motor functions, speech, sensory and thinking exists here. When there is blockage or narrowing of the  carotid artery  caused by the accumulation of the plaque is known as carotid artery disease. The accumulation of the plaque blocks the supply of the blood into the brain and increases the risk of stroke. This gradual build-up is due to diabetes, high blood cholesterol, tobacco and high blood pressure. Transient Ischemic Attacks (mini-strokes) or a stroke are caused by carotid artery disease. Symptoms of Carotid Artery Disease There are no symptoms of carotid artery disease in its earl...

Spinal Cord Injury Treatment in India - Surgery Tours India

Spinal Cord Injury Treatment in India What Is The Spinal Cord ? The group of nerves travelling from the base of the brain reaching down the back is known as the spinal cord. There are 31 pairs of nerves which run off from the spinal cord and reaching to the abdomen, legs, chest and arms. The commands are then given to the brain by these nerves to the muscles that in turn results in the movement of legs and arms. The nerves controlling legs leave from the lower part of the spinal cord, while the nerves controlling arms leave from the upper part of the spinal cord. The function of the organs such as lungs, heart, bladder and bowels are also controlled by these nerves. What is Spinal Cord Injury ? Any trauma or damage to the spinal cord resulting in impaired or loss of function due to reduced feeling or mobility is termed as  spinal cord injury  (SCI). Gunshot, car accident and sport injuries are the traumas that can cause damage to the spinal cord. Polio, Spina Bifida, T...

Intracranial Aneurysm Surgery in India | Brain Aneurysm Treatment

Intracranial Aneurysm Surgery in India What Is A Brain Aneurysm? A brain aneurysm is also referred to as intracranial aneurysm or cerebral aneurysm. The weak and abnormal spot on a blood vessel that results in an outward ballooning or bulging of the arterial wall is referred to as brain or cerebral aneurysm. This aneurysm can create a sac from one wall, can include all the walls of the blood vessel or can even dissect all the vessel walls. Any vessel in the body can get affected by an aneurysm but presence of aneurysm in the head can result in serious medical condition. An aneurysm in the head ruptures resulting in a hemorrhagic stroke that can cause brain damage and even death. These aneurysms are generally found in the subarachnoid space and accounts for about 90% of the subarachnoid hemorrhages. An aneurysm varies in size from 1/8 inch to approximately 1 inch. Aneurysms which are bigger than 1 inch are known as giant aneurysm and are very hard to treat. Read more...

Herniated Disc Surgery in India | Slip Disc Treatment India

Herniated Disc Surgery in India Causes of a Herniated Disc The most common reason that cause a  herniated disc  is disc degeneration (wear and tear of the disc). The normal ageing process decreases the fluid in the vertebral disc that helps in maintaining proper flexibility. Any injury to the spine can also cause a herniated disc that may cause cracks or small tears in the outer layer of the disc. Inside the disc there is a jelly like material that can be pushed out from the cracks or tears in the capsule, causing the disc to break into  fragments or bulge Injury To The Disc Can Be Due To - Repeated activities that may stress the lower back such as prolonged exposure to vibration, poor lifting habits and sports related injuries. Increased pressure or a sudden heavy strain to the lower back. A sudden twisting movement can push the nucleus out of the outer layer of the disc. What Is A Herniated Disc ? People who are suffering from leg pain, weakness of the lower...

Spinal Fusion Surgery in India | Spinal Fusion Techniques India

What Is Spinal Fusion? The surgical procedure of  spinal fusion  is performed to correct problems associated with the small bones of the spine. The fusion is primarily done for eliminating the pain which has been caused by abnormal motion of the vertebrae. Spinal fusion is basically performed in the lumbar region of the spine and is also used to treat thoracic and cervical problems. Spinal fusion relieves symptoms  of several back problems that includes - Infection Degenerative disk disease Tumor Spondylolisthesis Fracture Scoliosis Spinal stenosis Spinal Fusion Procedure The Surgical Procedure Of Spinal Fusion Takes Several Hours To Complete. Spinal Fusion Involves Different Methods - A surgeon uses metal implants for holding the vertebrae together till the new bone grows in between them. Bone is taken either from a bone bank or the pelvic bone. This bone is used for making a bridge between the vertebrae which are next to each other. Read more...

Penile Cancer treatment in India | Cost of Penile Cancer in India

What is Penile Cancer? Cancer of the penis develops in or on the penis & which begins when cells of this region grow out of control. In order to understand penile cancer, it would immensely help to know the structure & function of penis. Penis is external male sexual organ & which is also a part of the urinary system. Penis is composed of several types of body tissues including blood vessels, nerves, smooth muscle & skin. Main part of penis is known as shaft & the head is called glans. The glans is normally covered by skin called prepuce or foreskin at birth & which is often removed in infant boys by operation called circumcision. There are 3 chambers inside penis which contain soft & spongy network of blood vessels. Two of these are cylinder shaped chambers known as corpora cavernosa& lie on either side of upper part of penis. The third chamber is under the shaft & is known as corpus spongiosum. This chamber widens at the end to form the glans. C...

Bone marrow surgery in India | Bone Marrow Transplant in India

Bone Marrow Transplant What is Bone Marrow Transplant ? A special type of therapy for those patients who are suffering from certain diseases or cancers is known as bone marrow transplant (BMT).  Bone marrow transplant , also known as hematopoietic stem cell transplant or stem cell transplant, includes taking of cells that can be found in the stem cells (bone marrow). These cells are filtered and are then given back to either other person or to the donor (patient). The aim of BMT (bone marrow transplant) is to transfer healthy bone marrow cells in a patient when their unhealthy bone marrow has been treated for destroying the abnormal cells. Following are the diseases that can be successfully treated by BMT that include - Some solid tumor cancers Leukemias Multiple myeloma Severe aplastic anemia Immune deficiency disorders Lymphomas read more...

Heart Transplant Surgery in India | Organ Transplant in India

Heart Transplant Surgery in India Is the Best Choice What is a Heart Transplant? A heart transplant is a surgical procedure performed on patients with end-stage heart failure of severe coronary disorders by replacing the defective heart with a healthy heart through an allograft (deceased donor) and is the last resort to restore normal coronary functions in the person after all other  non-surgical and alternate procedures have been unsuccessful. Also known as a 'cardiac transplant' this is a major type of surgery and is either performed as an orthotopic procedure (removal of defective heart) or as an heterotopic procedure (retaining the partially defective heart as well) in cases where the defective heart still retains certain coronary functions. Who might need a Heart Transplant? A heart transplant is needed by a person when their heart is no longer working effectively which in turn puts their life at potential risk. A heart transplant is commonly recommended for ...

Microdiscectomy Surgery in India at Affordable Cost | Surgery Tours India

Microdiscectomy Surgery in India What Is Micro Discectomy? The procedure of microdiscectomy is usually performed for lumbar herniated disc which is compressing the traversing spinal nerve root. As compared to lower back pain, leg pain is more effectively treated with this surgery. A leg pain is caused by the compression on the root nerve that can take several weeks for the nerve root to get away with weakness or to heal completely. The surgical procedure of  microdiscectomy  provides immediate relief from the leg pain. When is Micro Discectomy used? Conditions such as loss of bladder and bowel function require immediate surgery. In most cases, disc ruptures slowly resolves without performing any surgical procedure. The purpose of performing microdiscectomy is to eliminate or decrease the pain that has not improved after a reasonable time. It is important to know that microdiscectomy is very helpful in relieving leg pain or buttocks pain but it cannot effectively tr...

Pediatric Cardiac Surgery in India | Surgery Tours India

Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Overview Congenital heart defects are a malformation in one or more structures of the heart or veins that occur before a child is born or during the developmental stage of the fetus. The developmental defect can affect approximately around 8 childrenin every 1000 children. There are many types of congenital heart defects. Some congenital heart defects are minor and some are more serious. Various defects can occur inside the heart or in the large blood vessels which is outside the heart. Some  congenital heart defects   require surgery immediately after the child is born and in many cases, the surgery can be performed after months or years. Pediatric Cardiac Surgery procedure There are several different types of congenital heart defects. Only one surgery may not be enough to repair the congenital heart defect, sometimes a series of procedures are required. Mainly there are three different techniques for treating congenital heart defects in t...

Intestine Transplant Surgery process | Intestinal transplantation

Types of Intestine Transplant Surgery In India Intestine transplantation is also known as small bowel transplantation and  intestinal transplantation .  This is a last resort for people suffering from intestinal failure when they have had no significant success in treating this disorder with any other alternate non-surgical and surgical procedures. In case a person is under total parenteral nutrition ( TPN ) for a long period of time they are likely to develop life-threatening complications such as catheter-related infections, bone disorders and even liver failure. It can also affect the veins used to administer nutrition through the catheter. In such cases it becomes necessary to perform an intestine transplantation of the small intestine to treat the fatal complications and improve the quality of life. Pre-transplant Diagnoses for Intestine Transplantation? The major cause for requiring an intestine transplantation is the failure of the small intestine to absorb and...

Joint Replacement Surgery in India | Surgery Tours India

Joint Replacement Surgery in India to Cost 70 Percent Less Joint Replacement Surgery in India. Arthritis, which was long thought to be a disease of the old people, is increasingly seeping into the younger population due to changes in lifestyle. However, if detected early, arthritis is a curable and manageable condition. The two most common types of arthritis affecting Kenyan population are osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoporosis is largely found to result from damage to cartilage within joints and rheumatoid arthritis on the other hand results when immune system of a person mistakenly attacks lining of inner sides of the joints. Common Types of Joint Replacement Surgeries Although being overweight does not necessarily cause arthritis, it can however contribute to joint problems which can worsen over a period of time. Joint replacement surgery is an ideal treatment procedure for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis and is designed to replace damaged cartilage and b...
Get Best Offers on Advanced Urological Surgery in India What is Urology? Urology is a surgical distinguishing strength that courses of action with the treatment of conditions including the male and female urinary tract and the male conceptive organs. Individuals speak to impressive specialist in the field of urology are called urologists , restorative administrations specialists who are set up to examine, perceive and treat this social occasion of disarranges and infirmities. Types and Procedures of Urology Surgery: Laparo scopic Urology: Cystoscope: Crstoscope is a  thin tube with a camera and light on the end. Amid a cystoscopy, this tube is embedded through your urethra and into your bladder so the specialist can picture within your bladder. Your urethra is the tube that completes pee of your bladder. Ureteroscopy: Ureteroscopy is an examination of the upper urinary tract, for the most part performed with a ureteroscope that is gone through the urethra and the bladd...