Spinal Tumor Surgery India | Spinal Tumor Treatment India

What is a Spinal Tumor?

spinal tumor surgery India

A spinal tumor is an abnormal growth seen in the spinal column or inside the spinal canal. It may be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous) in nature. Tumors developing in the spinal column (vertebras) are known as vertebral tumors while the tumors originating in the spinal canal are called as spinal cord tumors.

What are the Types of Spinal Tumors?

Spinal tumors are generally divided into two classes according to the location of their origin. These are:

Vertebral Tumors / Spinal Cord Tumors

The spinal cord tumors are further classified into:
Intra-medullar Tumors - These originate in the cells inside the spinal cord, including the ependymomas and
Extra-medullar Tumors - These are seen developing in the network of supporting cells that surrounds the spinal cord. Although these do not originate in the spinal cord itself these affect the functioning of the spinal cord by causing spinal cord compression and other such complications. Schwannomas, meningiomas and neurofibromas are examples of such tumors.

A tumor from another part of the body can also spread (metastasize) and affect the spinal column (vertebras) and the spinal cord as well, in rare cases.

Tumors in the spinal region lead to intense and chronic pain, neurological complications and even paralysis if the cancer grows.


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